#Stop Hatred Now
“We live in a diversity, whether we know it or not” Gary C. David.
This intercultural and anti-racism platform organised by different organisations was held from the 16-to 21 of May based on the topic of Practising Coexistence. It aims to create discourse and offers tools to create a more inclusive diverse and feminist art field; inclusivity, diversity, non-discrimination, accesibility and social as well as ecological sustainability are issues that determine the future of every art and cultural institution.
This year's topic was Practising Coexisted, which goes beyond living side by side, in the same place, or sharing. It means acknowledging, understanding, respecting and living in harmony with one another.
The New Theatre Helsinki collaborated on Thursday 19th by organizing a panel discussion titled Future audiences - inclusivity and the stages of the future. At this panel discussion we had five special participants from the Nordics countries who shared their experiences, challenges, perspectives, measures, and dream audience. They are:
Michael Omoke, artistic director and founder of the New Nordic Voices in Denmark.
Ninos Jose, is an educator, dancer, and choreographer based in Sweden.
Janya Cambronero Severin, drama educator, director, and co-founder of Aro Teater in Sweden.
Sally Davison, movement activist, dancer, and facilitator at Kaaos Company and Dance Festival in Finland.
Jussi Lehtonen, director and actor who works at the Finnish National Theatre, Finland.
The takeaway points of the discussion:
It is necessary to build a relationship and connection with collaborators and institutions.
Extend the dialogue and go beyond the routine.
Re-structure of policies and writing of bills related to the arts and cultural field.
Bringing the arts and cultural fieldwork to schools.
Re-learning from ourselves and our audiences.
Decolonize our minds.
Gatekeepers need to be more open-minded and involved.
Diverse languages on the stages. Representation
Dream audience: any person individual from different backgrounds and colours.
If you miss the panel discussion, you can watch it here:
During this entire week a lot of other topics were discussed relating to the main topic of the event. You can watch them by visiting the website of the event. There is a lot of information that can be used for your daily work and building your knowledge. You are welcome to watch, learn, practise, and share! https://www.stophatrednow.fi/program